
Hi my name is Jeannette and I am a Pulmonary Critical Care Nurse Practitioner working in a Medical Intensive Care Unit. Many may know me as the content creator of the YouTube channel iFitNurse where I documented my journey into nursing. I even shared and may have cried as I updated this wonderful internet world failing the nursing entrance exam. Eight years later, I have successfully completed my ADN, BSN, MSN and currently tackling my first year of NP Life during this covid pandemic.
I would like to thank all of the followers that watched my nursing journey videos as this online nursing community was one of the greatest accountability partners and greatest support that was much needed during the many difficult bumps on this journey. (Everyone knows, only another nurse can truly understand nursing school struggles.
These past few years on connecting and getting to know my online supporters I have found a passion to share my personal experiences, tips, and teach as I received many emails and direct messages stating it has helped *you* pursue you goals and embark on this challenging but rewarding nursing journey. I hope that my videos, products, and blog continue to help and motivate you to be successful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I love interacting with my online community!