
Avoid being overwhelmed when studying – Condense your notes to one page – Pink Study Sheet

In true nursing fashion graduate school is overwhelming with the amount of content you are responsible to learn in such a short period of time. The lectures are long, the texts are thicker, and it is easy to get overwhelmed. I was reviewing YouTube.com in search of finding a new way of studying. Face it, coming back from a poor grade on an exam is discouraging. I came across this video where this physician explained that he condensed his notes into one page.

As you can see from above I gave it a shot! It is time consuming to condense it and format it to all fit one page, but I also felt that transferring my notes into this one single page allowed me to learn and remember key things about the disease process and its management. For example, I highlighted important things or things that I thought the teacher would want to test us on in red.

As I prepared for boards I was able to reference these pink study sheets to refresh my mind.

So as you tackle your next chapter, try the one page method and let me know how it goes.

(Reference for my study sheet included my schools notes, Harrison’s text book. I apologize for any typos. If you choose to use this to study please review and ensure this aligns with what you are being taught and responsible to know from your own program and/or studies.)