When will the file I purchased be sent to me?
After making a purchase you will receive an email with a link to download the digital products that you have purchased. Do not forget to check your SPAM folder as first time buyers may not have our email address saved. If you have not received an email by an hour please feel free to contact us with “SUPPORT” in the subject line. Please allow 2 – 3 business days for a response.
I purchased the wrong file what can I do?
Due to digital products available for immediate download after purchasing, we are unable provide a return, exchange, or refund. In the future I advise that you double check the file you have selected to purchase. We suggest paying it forward and finding a coworker that may benefit from a new nurse brain sheet.
Can you send a printed version of the nursing brain sheet?
At this time all products sold are digital files. After purchasing the digital file you are welcomed to go to your local print shop and make prints.
Can I type on your files?
At this moment the digital files available are all PDFs without the capability of Fill and Edit features. You are able to create TEXT BOXES with a PDF editor software and workout around this solution if you wish to use these digital files with your compute/tablet verses handwriting.
How long does it take to receive a customized brain sheet?
On average it takes about 8 – 10 days to receive the finalized PDF file. Please note after initial presentation of your handwritten/current brain sheet two drafts will be sent for review. Once the second draft is reviewed final changes will be made and final file will be sent. In our experience working as nurses with varying work shifts may cause a delay on reviewing, communicating, and approving drafts. It is understandable, so please be flexible. We will communicate with you to ensure that you are satisfied with your custom digital nursing brain sheet.